Thirty Years' War

The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) was one of the most destructive conflicts in European history. The war was fought primarily (though not exclusively) in Germany and at various points involved most of the countries of Europe.

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Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch Was largely destroyed as result of this war in 1621
Belfries During the Thirty Years' War, Arras was besieged and taken by the French in 1640. During the siege, the belfry was shot at by canons of the French army.
Benedictine Convent of St. John Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg wiederholen sich schicksalhaft Besetzung und Plünderungen. Die Klosterbücher verzeichnen den herben Verlust von vier Zentnern Zinn, Silber, elf Zentnern Schmalz, 33 Stück Großvieh. (Schätze der Welt)
Churches of Peace "The Churches of Peace are outstanding testimony to an exceptional act of tolerance on the part of the Catholic Habsburg Emperor towards Protestant communities in Silesia in the period following the Thirty Years? War in Europe."
Corvey .. during the Thirty Years' War it [the Abbey] was devastated, large parts of the library being lost as well as St. Vitus's shrine (AB ev)
Great Spa Towns of Europe Baden-Baden: "Baden suffered severely during the Thirty Years' War, particularly at the hands of the French, who plundered it in 1643."
Mining Cultural Landscape Erzgebirge the Saigerhütte Grünthal in Olbernhau was raided by Swedish troops
Prague Hradčany castle, Second Defenestration of Prague
Rammelsberg and Goslar "During the Thirty Years' War Goslar at first tried to stay neutral, but then leaned towards the emperor's side. (...) When the army of Gustavus Adolphus advanced, Goslar was occupied by Swedish troops from 1632 to 1635."
Regensburg "During the Thirty Year War, Regensburg was made into a garrison city. There was a bitter conflict between Regensburg and Bavaria, and the city suffered of plundering. In 1633, it was under the siege by the Swedes, but was saved from the worst." (source: ICOMOS)


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